We received your 2023/2024 Registration.
Please log in to your MyProcare® account to pay your Registration and Deposit fees.

Sylvania Child Care is pleased to offer MyProcare® Solutions, a free online parent portal to access account information and quickly pay tuition. MyProcare® can be accessed on any computer, tablet, and smartphone and is safe, secure, and convenient.
MyProcare allows you to do the following:
View contact information, emergency contacts, and pickup persons.
View account balances, recent payments, and ledger history.
View your child’s schedule, time card, immunizations, and more.
Print statements and end-of-year tax summaries.
Use the Pay button to make a payment with your card.
Click/select the "Pay Here" button to log in to your MyProcare® account. Be sure to use the email you have on file with Sylvania Community Services.
Payment Options:
Online Payments:
This option allows you to pay your tuition online when you log in to your MyProcare® account.
Automated Credit Card Transactions and ACH Transactions:
This option allows SCS to withdraw payment when due from your credit/debit card or a checking or savings account. Download the Automated Payment Form (open the PDF in Adobe Acrobat).