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Serving the Sylvania
Community Since 1976

We're Hiring!

Sylvania Community Services offers rewarding positions working to better the lives of individuals of all ages in our community. 

About Us

Sylvania Community Services has been a non-profit serving the Sylvania community since 1976 when the City, Township, and School Board formed it. Since that time, it has impacted the lives of thousands of residents – young and old.



Our Services

Sylvania Senior Services

Sylvania Senior Center

The Sylvania Senior Center is an information resource, offering a multitude of great programs and services.

Sylvania Child Care

Sylvania Child Care

Our team of education professionals is committed to creating a safe and nurturing environment in which children can learn and grow. 

Preschool Children
5-Star Award Logo
Woodrow Preschool received a 5-Star rating from the State of Ohio Step Up to Quality child care rating system.


5-Stars is the highest rating and demonstrates the excellence and quality that Sylvania Child Care provides this community.



  • Have highly trained teachers

  • Develop children’s school readiness skills

  • Are committed to continuous improvement

  • Value relationships with families and communities

What Others Say

"The Woodrow staff is incredibly caring and patient, and it is wonderful to see our daughter so excited to go to school."  


“We have loved our Woodrow experience! I’m so amazed how much our son has learned in the past three months. He is absolutely thriving.” 


“I like coming to this place – where we are sure people are gathering to exercise, play games, dance, and have fun.”


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